Prep Exercises To Do At Home
With the amount of time we’ve all been spending home recently, exercise has been a hot topic. It’s been more challenging than normal to get a good workout in, but for some it’s offered more time and energy to put towards exercise. So, what exercise should you be doing at home if you want to stay healthy and prepare your body? These are the things we look for, and they’re the movements and plans that get you in great shape, build...
Fat Burners … Help or Hype?
There certainly are no shortage of supplements and “magical quick fixes,” all touting their benefits to make the job easier for you. However, the truth is that unless you are committed to being consistent with a proper, well-balanced eating plan as well as regular consistent exercise, you are not going to see or feel any resulting weight loss. Why? Well, because there are no shortcuts or “one pill wonders” that will make losing...
We Know You Are Not Doing Enough Lateral Exercises!
Lateral exercises are those that involve moving sideways. These often also involve using a single limb, whether that’s an arm or a leg. Today we’re going to discuss why you’re not doing enough lateral exercise, why you should be, and how you can solve that problem. If you’re looking to maximize the benefits of your workouts, you’re going to want to stay with me on this one. Joint Stability and Injury Stabilizing a joint and keeping it...
Why A Healthy Spine Is Important For A Healthy Life
This really does not require a whole lot of explanation. At least in my opinion. Being that the spine is such a large part of our framework, it should be rather obvious to us, why keeping it healthy is important. The spine is what helps us to stand and remain upright. It provides the basic framework for our structure. It really is the main point from which the rest of our skeleton connects to! The spine allows us to walk, run ,...
How To Best Utilize Limb Isolation Exercises for Core Stability and Strength
Limb isolation is the term we use for exercises that require you to keep the core stable and consistent, while also moving a limb. This is something we think is amazingly important, but also painfully overlooked. In this article I am breaking it down for you and offering up some amazing core training you didn’t know you needed. This will bridge the gap between core exercises and compound exercises. Let’s get into where you start and...
Treatment Options for GERD
If you have ever suffered with heartburn you know all too well just how terribly uncomfortable and painful it can be. And for very long periods of time too. You will also likely agree that you would be willing to do just about anything to make it stop! Well luckily there are several ways that GERD can be treated. Depending on the severity of your GERD symptoms, you may be find relief in some tried and true home remedies, or you...